FRANC-MACONNERIE / CROSS, The true Masonic chart, or hieroglyphic monitor ; containing the emblems explained in the degrees of Entwere Apprentice, Fellew-Craft, Master Mason, Mark Master, Past Master, Most Excellent Master, Royal Arch, Royal Master, and Select Master : designed, and duly arranged, agreeably to the lectures bey R. W. Jeremy L, Cross, G. L. In which are added, illustrations… charges…songs…&c. Second edition. 1820


FRANC-MACONNERIE / CROSS, Jeremy Ladd (1783-1160)
The true Masonic chart, or hieroglyphic monitor ; containing the emblems explained in the degrees of Entwere Apprentice, Fellew-Craft, Master Mason, Mark Master, Past Master, Most Excellent Master, Royal Arch, Royal Master, and Select Master : designed, and duly arranged, agreeably to the lectures bey R. W. Jeremy L, Cross, G. L. In which are added, illustrations… charges…songs…&c. Second edition.
New Haven, John C. Gray printer, engravings by companion A. Doolittle, 1820.
Petit in-8° de 14+13-196 pages, orné d’un frontispce et d’un portrait et de 44 planches hors texte, dont un nouveau frontispice et une seconde page de titre gravée.
Cartonnage bradel muet couvert en toile brune (reliure moderne).

UGS : 8987 Catégories : , , ,


FRANC-MACONNERIE / CROSS, Jeremy Ladd (1783-1160)
The true Masonic chart, or hieroglyphic monitor ; containing the emblems explained in the degrees of Entwere Apprentice, Fellew-Craft, Master Mason, Mark Master, Past Master, Most Excellent Master, Royal Arch, Royal Master, and Select Master : designed, and duly arranged, agreeably to the lectures bey R. W. Jeremy L, Cross, G. L. In which are added, illustrations… charges…songs…&c. Second edition.

New Haven, John C. Gray printer, engravings by companion A. Doolittle, 1820.
Petit in-8° de 14+13-196 pages, orné d’un frontispce et d’un portrait et de 44 planches hors texte, dont un nouveau frontispice et une seconde page de titre gravée.
Cartonnage bradel muet couvert en toile brune (reliure moderne).